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00:00 CU snake coiling, being prodded with stick to make it snap; several takes
03:08 Horses and riders milling around adobe houses in Western frontier, or Native American village
03:23 Cattle rustlers (?) on horseback driving herd of cattle and firing weapons as they ride
03:39 Group of Native Americans or Mexican Indians, some barechested, approaching camera with rifles, looking at camera, turning and walking back
04:00 Drawing room party, possibly costume party, static shot (probably background plate)
04:43 brief shot of bookmakers by boxing ring
04:56 Stagecoaches driving along road in Alabama Hills, California
05:53 Country road in West; stagecoach approaches camera, drives under trees, past camera on left
06:26 Gorilla (actor) in foliage, emerges by camera; several takes
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